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What do these symbols mean?
AsalamAlaykum my dear brother and sisters. I'm sorry, I do not speak Turkish or Arabic so I will speak in English.
After asking many people, no one really has explained to me what these symbols mean. I have heard different opinions on what the symbols mean. Perhaps someone here can help, Insha'Allah. |
These are my talisman bro. In order to know their meanings, there must be a table of which letters the symbols belong to. Maybe our teachers can solve it. but they don't use english.
Thank you brother Tetse, I do understand they are talisman. I'm just trying to find out the meaning of the talisman and to make sure they don't mean anything unlawful.
It's no problem if the teachers don't speak English, I can use Google translate to see the teachers answer in English InshAllah . |
'Muhammedün Seyyidü’l-Kevneyni; / Ve’l-Ferikayni min Arabi’n ve min Acemi' (Muhammed (s.a.v) |
but still I work on it
'Muhammedün Seyyidü’l-Kevneyni; / Ve’l-Ferikayni min Arabi’n ve min Acemi' (Muhammed (s.a.v) |
Hocam maşallah İngilizce de biliyorsunuz
Very well
Hasbiyallahu, la ilahe illa hu ve aleyhi tevekkeltu ve hüve Rabbül arşil azim. Ve kefa billahi vekila |
eh iste derdimi anlatacak kadar tarzancayla karisik
'Muhammedün Seyyidü’l-Kevneyni; / Ve’l-Ferikayni min Arabi’n ve min Acemi' (Muhammed (s.a.v) |
Estagfirullah hocam maşallah iyisiniz
Hasbiyallahu, la ilahe illa hu ve aleyhi tevekkeltu ve hüve Rabbül arşil azim. Ve kefa billahi vekila |
Thank you very much for your help. I'll await your response
hi brother,need some time to answer positive or negative
'Muhammedün Seyyidü’l-Kevneyni; / Ve’l-Ferikayni min Arabi’n ve min Acemi' (Muhammed (s.a.v) |