Can Someone Touch Us During Astral Travel?
Can someone touch us during astral travel? Is it possible to physically feel what someone is thinking or imagining with an astral travel or similar technique? Can we feel someone else touch between sleep and wakefulness?
In the later stages of astral travel, you can go to someone else and make that person feel you are there. This is possible with telepathic and spiritual influences. Examples of this include feeling that someone is with us, feeling someone touching us, feeling someone watching us.
However, not all of this may be related to what someone else has done during astral travel. It can lead to this situation in other assets due to trespass and telepathic effects. If your mental sensitivity is high, you may feel other beings, or you may feel that someone is with you during astral travel.
Is Physical Contact Possible During Astral Travel?
Physical contact during astral travel is not normally possible. However, the perception of reality can cause a physical contact perception at the level of sensation. This mechanism is mostly encountered in studies under hypnosis. Touching someone under hypnosis with matchstick
– I put a needle in your hand
if you say, under hypnosis, this is perceived as really needle-dipped, and all metabolism is actually triggered by what happens when a needle is inserted. With the matchstick, the touched area turns red and may even bleed. This is an illusion for us, but it is the truth for the person under hypnosis.